
Metal Mine Workers Union | MMWU

MMWU Office, North Block, NMDC, Donimalai, Sandur Tq, Bellary Dist, Karnataka, India - 583118

Aim of MMWU

For the effectively early realization of the aims and goals set out in the Narora Declaration, the Working Committee resolves to make the INTUC still more powerful and effective instrument of social justice and the vanguard of the forces of freedom, democracy and progress. Among others , the concentration will be on our,

Achieving a membership of one crore within a period of five years. For the purpose, we will have to set about the task of further strengthening of our affiliates who are mainly in the organized sector of the industry as well as to organize the unorganized in the growing informal and sprawling rural sector. The State Branches of INTUC and National Industrial Federations are called upon to convene special meeting of their Working Committees for detailed review of the existing organizational situation and to plan for the future to achieve the goal of the INTUC to have a membership of one crore. The programme should be time scheduled and properly targeted with provision for regular periodic and systematic review and appraisal.

For achieving the above the Working Committee will give all possible cooperation and help. It offers the following suggestions for the purpose:-

The following areas need to be immediately discussed for the preparation of guidelines for our affiliates:

  1. Workers participation in Equity and Management;
  2. Education Research and Training;
  3. Health services;
  4. Social security;
  5. Employment creation

The president would appoint the Study Groups for each of the above, which are required to submit their recommendations for consideration.